Dive in to our frequently asked questions to discover insights into our approach to education, how we support student growth, and how we foster a dynamic learning environment tailored to each individual's needs and passions.

What is our educational philosophy and approach?

At our school, we embrace an educational approach centered on curiosity, collaboration, and community. We firmly believe that students should never find themselves in the classroom asking, 'When will I ever use this?' Instead, our goal is to foster connections between classroom learning and real-life applications, both in the present and the future.

To achieve this, we employ project-based learning, focusing on subjects and activities that ignite students' passions. Through this approach, students not only master academic content but also develop practical skills and insights that resonate with their everyday lives, empowering them to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

Are we accredited and/or standards-based?

Our California home base is currently accredited through Cognia and is in the process of transitioning to district accreditation, which will be applied to us within our inaugural year of opening. Additionally, it's worth noting that in the state of Kansas, the sole accreditation recognized by the Kansas Board of Education is Cognia. Rest assured, your child is in good hands with us. Khan Lab School is competency based and Khan Academy is standards aligned.

What does a typical day look like for a student?

At 9:00 AM, students dive into their day with a centering space, a 20-minute period where they have the freedom to express themselves however they choose in their personal notebooks. This time allows them to unload any thoughts, reflect, and set a positive tone for the day ahead.

From 9:20 AM until about 11:10 AM, students focus on core classes, utilizing Khan Academy and completing projects tied to their educational goals. This time is dedicated to mastering fundamental concepts and applying them in real-world contexts.

Following the core classes, students participate in an inquiry lab until lunch. This hands-on session encourages exploration, experimentation, and critical thinking.

In the afternoon, students delve into their passion projects, integrating the core lessons learned earlier in the day. This personalized learning approach fosters creativity, innovation, and deeper engagement with the material.

Dismissal is at 3:15 PM, except for students enrolled in extended day programs. These students have the opportunity to participate in after-school programming with community partners, focusing on personal goal-setting and starting new projects.

On Fridays, students embark on off-site experiences, including job shadowing, internships, and exposure to various opportunities beyond the classroom. These outings broaden their horizons and connect classroom learning to the real world."

What are our hours of operation and when are our breaks?

Our School day starts at 9am but drop offs can begin around 8:45. Our breaks can be found here on our academic calendar.

Do we have extra-curricular activities?

As our school continues to grow, we're committed to offering a wide range of extracurricular activities tailored to the interests and passions of our students. We believe in giving students a voice and empowering them to shape their educational experience, both inside and outside the classroom.

To achieve this, we'll regularly survey our students to gauge their interests and preferences. Whether it's sports, arts, technology, community service, or any other area, we'll use this feedback to create extracurricular programs that resonate with our students. This ensures that our activities are not only engaging and enriching but also directly aligned with the desires of our student body.

By involving students in the decision-making process, we foster a sense of ownership and belonging within the school community. Students feel valued and respected, knowing that their voices are heard and their interests are prioritized. Ultimately, this approach allows us to create a vibrant and dynamic extracurricular program that truly reflects the diverse passions and talents of our students.

How do we support students with learning differences?

At our school, we recognize the importance of supporting students with learning differences in a holistic and inclusive manner. In addition to providing limited support within our school walls, we've established partnerships with trusted organizations and professionals in the Wichita community.

Through these partnerships, we're able to connect families with additional support services.

These additional resources can be utilized both inside and outside of the school setting, providing flexibility and continuity in support.

Our aim is to create a supportive and nurturing environment where every student feels valued, understood, and empowered to thrive, regardless of their learning differences.